HP082: Louisiana History

HP082: Louisiana History

Welcome to history podcast episode 82. Today we have a listener submitted episode. Stay tuned after this episode for the frapper mappers and some more news about the website….

Sorry, no transcript for this guest episode.

A big thank you to Gene for submitting her episode. Gene has also submitted a couple other episodes and we can look forward to those in the near future.

Frapper Mappers:

  1. Jessyka from Boise, ID says, “HISTORY ROCKS! I’m glad I found a podcast that teaches me more about it before I start college. Thanks!”
  2. Micheal Saddler from Singapore says “Listening all the way from Singapore. Great show! Keep them coming.”
  3. Kurt Noorg from Syndey, Australia says, “Hey History Buffs. Great show to walk with learn while exercising a perfect world.”
  4. Tim Anderson from Tasmania, Australia
  5. CW Hardenburg-Perry from Coca Florida says, “I love Florida!”

Thank you all for listening to this episode of History Podcast. Please take the survey at the website and let me know a little about yourself. It won’t take long. We currently have 39 responses. When we have 200 I will stop mentioning the survey and will post the results on the website, so please take the time and participate in the survey.

Big news on the website. As of the recording of this podcast there are 54 people signed up for the listener fourms at the old site. And only 2 besides myself at the new site, Chris and Athena. So please us the new forums. I will continue to monitor the old forums but, you will get your questions and comments answered faster on the new forums. In addition to the new forums, I have recently launched a Wiki for the listeners. On this site you can add and edit webpages. I have almost all of the episodes posted to the wiki. This is a tool for all the listeners to use and I am very excited to see how you will all utilize it. Please visit the website today and see the new additions. Recommendations on new features for the website are greatly encouraged. You can send them to me via email or post them on the forums. Thank you all for listening, supporting and participating in this podcast.

As the holiday season approaches us many of you web savvy listeners may be purchasing from Amazon.com, if you do please us the links from our site to get to amazon.com. The podcast will earn a small percentage of your purchase at no additional cost to you.

Thank you!!!